foto: Karsten Grønås has just started in the Polardistance 300-'05, Ewok goes in right point position. Leaddogs is Nathan av Vargevas (after Ukko) and Eddie (after Houston av Vargevass)
An interesting dog, who did a great job in team Vargevass, true an importent periode, is Enok "Ewok", 28.10.'99, after Mørkki av Vargevass, bred by Bjørn Roger Olsen, Norway. In the first years he worked as a team-dog in among others:
Femund500-'02, rank 11 out of 25 teams, best purebreed
Polardistance300-'03, open class, 1. place.
Femund500-'04, rank 16. out of 38 teams, best purebreed.
Polardistance300-'04, open class, 1. place.
Hes last to years in the mainteam was in lead or point position.
Femund600-'05, rank 12. out of 44 teams, best purebreed
Polardistance300-'05, open class, 1. place.
and finaly: Finnmarksløpet1000-'06, rank 13. out of 23 teams, in the longest sleeddog-race in Europe.
Karsten tell about Ewok: "We thought Ewok's playfulness wouldn't make him a suitable leader, but we were wrong. He has turned out to be a very steady and serious leader who has lead the team to the finish of both Femundlopet (12th) and Polar Distans (1st) of 2005 and for most of the Finnmarkslöpet 2006."