Wellcome to Vargvind

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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Monday, December 24




foto: Mosedalen, 23. december 2012 - Vivi with Vindsnabbe's Juno and Vacke (behind). Weather conditions: temp. was - 1 C, snowing and blast of wind, 20 m/sec.

- I Ønskes
En Rigtig Glædelig Jul
           from All of us

Thursday, December 20

Origin of the domestic dog

foto: 33.000-year-old skull of a domesticated canid from Siberia. Go to Wikipedia: Origin of the domestic dog.

Merry Christmas

foto: 33,000-år gammel hovedskal af civiliseret/huslig hund fra Sibirien. Se Wikipedia: Hundens opprinnelse.

Tillykke til Dansk Kennel Klub...

I dag er en stor dag for, De Danske Polare Racer...

Der er ikke længere tvungen HD fotografering eller tvungen udstillings-premiering; for at bruge sin hund i avl...

Tak til Jørgen Hindse, Formand for Dansk Kennel Klub og eksteriørdommer; klip fra; "Hunden" nr 3 (DKK):

"FORBEDRE - ikke forandre

Om visse racer fristes man til at bruge betegnelsen "udartet" i stedet for "udviklet sig" gennem årene.....

Vi bør som dommere hele tiden være på vagt over for, hvornår vi kommer til at bidrage til en uheldig udvikling."

Tak til Jens Glavind, Direktør for Dansk Kennel Klub; klip fra "Polarhunden", December 2011(DPHK).

"Det er et problem, hvis avlskravene af opdrætterne opleves som for overvældende...Det betyder risiko for en stadig indsnævring af populationen og deraf følgende forøget risiko for indavl...

...DKK ønsker at mennesker, der ikke har lyst til at deltage på en hundeudstilling, ikke per automatik er afskåret fra at bruge deres hund i avl."

Glædelig Jul

Saturday, December 15


foto: Our dogs were visiting a "dog wood" near Grathe Moor.
foto: Daniel showing Debbie and Fanny (behind) his new masterwork, "Snow-Mother" with her son and his dog "Snow-Bree" in the front.
foto: Daniel on a lookout viewpoint over Grathe Moor dressed in snow.

Wednesday, December 12

Good Memorys

Tillykke Benjamin, 11 år
foto: Benjamin and Barak in Velo-class, just before finish, Vrøgum march 2012. There first race and they did a great job both (I was in the other end of the blue line).

foto: Our debut in scooter class, 6.7 km. 10 meter to goal limit. Dolly and Maisie have just passed the dobermann. Time 17.20 min, enough to take first place (best purebred).

foto: Vivi makes her début in Cani-cross "Nordic", Rold Skov december 2005. Her partner was Nikki 1994

Tuesday, December 4

Taste of Winther

foto: Back on the "Dyck". 14 km in Gludsted Plantage. Dogs: from front, Vince - Kaise, Seppe - Barak, Kebne - Maisie, Tanna - Fanny, Dolly - Debbie, Wilma - Buster.

Friday, we are going to Linnet Skov, for the first race this season. 

Monday, December 3


foto: Gludsted, saturday. Dogs: Vince - Maisie, lead, Wilma (hidden) - Buster, team and Kaise and Debbie, wheel.

The wagon is my old racewagon, rebuilded with 2 "mini-cross" wheels, fit with hydraulic brakes, perfekt to train tempo.

Front wheel has also breaks, a useful thing, when you have to go out to the dogs.

Our new "Spark-sykel" (kick bike) is also fit with mini-cross, back-wheel and hydraulic brake.

Saturday, December 1

Experienced Dogs

foto: Andreas Nymark in a 40 degree curve with his 13 dogs, in Nørlund primo november (foto by Roland Jensen).

Friday, November 30

Once Upon a Time in Norway

To day it's 40 years ago since Talitta of Kolyma was born.
foto: Nørlund, primo november. Vivi with her team (Dolly and Barak) on the Paw-trekker (sparksykel).

Dolly has Talitta of Kolyma on 5 places in her pedigree.

foto: On the 3wheeler with: in front, Vince and Kaise, Maisie in the middel, Buster and Wilma (only her bag). Thank you Roland Jensen for the pics...

Kaise has Talitta 3 times...

Monday, November 19

Gludsted Syd

I forgårs den 17. november fyldte Igloo Pak's Tok 55 år
foto: Snowtrail's Frosty, 15. juli 1979. efter Zero's Dargo ud af Artic Trail's Amber.
foto: Artic Trail's Amber, Amber har Igloo Pak's Tok 4 gange i sin stamlinie, 1 gang som oldefar og 3 gange som tipoldefar...

5 x spark-sykel
foto: Dolly og Maisie
foto: Bree og Debbie
foto: Wilma og Fanny
foto: Tanna og Buster
foto: Kebne og Barak

On spark-sykel (kick-bike) we can go out side the tracks we are demanded, today 6 km in Gludsted Syd, an area we yoused in the early days.

Issenbjerg with the wonderful heath around, is in the behind on the 4 first pic' (500 m before the car).

Last team (Kebne - Barak) and my self tok a new way.

Last Friday we visit Kompedal and also did 5 trips (4.5 km).

The Paw-Trecker is a fine alternative to bycycling - you are out by the dogs in a hurry, if you need and secondly, it is not so easy to help the athlets (by pedals).

And best of all - good way to train leadership.

All our dogs are doing good working attitude and more or less leadership in front of the spark-sykel.

Saturday, November 10

Behaving in harness

Alaskan's Nicolai of Anadyr born 54 years ago...
foto: Fun Run Felix, Br. and Ow. Britt-Marie Lindkvist, Sweden. Felix have Alaskan's Nicolai of Anadyr 27 times in hes pedigree

Nørlund Plantage, sunday the 28. october.
foto: Dogs from left;
                 Vince, after Vindsnabbe's Bebop
                Kebne, after Ukko av Vargevass
               Kaise, after Ukko av Vargevass
              Seppe, after Barney av Vargevass
             Bree, after Vindsnabbe's Blizzard
            Maisie (hidden), after Vacke
           Fanny, after Vacke
          Tanna, after Ukko av Vargevass
         Dolly, after Ewok (av Vargevass)
on stake out: Buster, after Vacke
                 Wilma, after Ewok
                Debbie, after Vacke
Barak and Bitten (after Vacke) were out with Andreas Nymark on spark-sykel.
The yearlings are learning behaving in harness.

Tuesday, November 6

Arctic Trail's Fang

40 years ago
foto: Arctic Trail's Fang, dob, 6. november 1972, after Igloo Pak's Wing-A out of Arctic trail's Kola. His littermate Amber also went to Scandinavia.

Fang did least 5 litters in Canada, before he went to Norway in 1978.

He was imported by Karsten Grønås, kennel Vargevass and gave 4 litters to the kennel.

Karsten tells about Fang: "Teamposition, Point.

Influential offspring: Debbie, Rusla, Scotty and Tuffy

Temperament: friendly, bit standoffish, good worker, happy in hookup."

In Norway Fang least sired to importent females:

Frami and Beauty, 1979, after Peik out of Mitzi av Vargevass (sister to Blue) owner Frode Bakke, Isslottets kennel.

Frami, owner Ove Uno Stenmyr, Kongsvinger, Norway, gave among others: Panja and Clou Fox, 1981.

Beauty gave the foundation bitch, Foxy, on kennel Isslottet, Norway, in 1984.

Fang and Amber became one of the most importent littermates in the historie of siberian husky in Scandinavia. Fang did a lot of fine dogs, specialy in Norway and Amber did two good litters in Sweden, specialy the first with Zero's Dargo.

In USA Amber and Fang was bouth well known and well spoken sleddogs. Fang did among other two litters on kennel Arctic Trail, before he went to Norway.

Friday, November 2

Arctic Trail's Amber

foto: Arctic Trail's Amber, dob, 6. november 1972, after Igloo Pak's Wing-A out of Arctic trail's Kola. Her littermate Fang also went to Scandinavia.

"Den välkända kenneln - kennel Snowtrails - hade sin glansperiod under 1980-talet. I tidningen Nome-Norge, en tidning för aktiva slädhundsförare, utnämndes "greven" Ingvar de Forest till 80-talets främste slädhunsuppfödare i Norden.

Det var bl a den lyckade avelskombinationen mellan Zero's Dargo och Arctic Trail's Amber som föranledde utmärkelsen.

De fyra avkommorna Snowtrails - CrazyFrosty, Sandy och Misty (1979) var alla suvärena ledarhundar hos toppförare i Norden."

Amber and Fang became one of the most importent littermates in the historie of siberian husky in Scandinavia. Fang did a lot of fine dogs, specialy in Norway and Amber did two good litters in Sweden, specialy the first with Zero's Dargo.

In USA Amber and Fang was bouth well known and well spoken sleddogs.

Thursday, November 1

Caling Musher

foto: from left: Bree, Fanny, Wilma, Bitten, Buster, Kebne (hidden) and Debbie, Nørlund Plantage, sunday the 28. october.

foto: Just before take-off, from left: Vince - Kebne, Kaise - Seppe, Bree - MaisieFanny - Tanna, Debbie - Dolly, Buster - Wilma.

Barak and Bitten were out on kick-bike with Andreas Nymark.
foto: Winook and his friends looking after there old man, who went away on the kick-bike with Barak and Bitten.

Saturday, October 27


foto: Gludsted Plantage, Nightfrost and 2 degrees nine o'clock in the morning.

Seppe og Vince, Kebne,  Tanna og Fanny, Wilma (single), Dolly og Buster, Kaise og Bitten did run 15 km.

Thursday, October 25

Teaching Teamleader Stuff

foto: Sjørup Plantage i dag. Endelig under 10 grader Celsius. Lead Vince og Kaise, point Barak og Kebne, team Bree og Seppe, Fanny og Tanna, Dolly, wheel Debbie og Wilma.

Funny to see the old leaders (Vince) when a younger pupil (Kaise) have to learn leading a team.

Sunday, October 21

Solen Stråler på Moder Jord

foto: Ved Vilads' Barnedåb i dag.

Solen stråler på Lille Vilads og mor Joan...

Tuesday, October 16

"mit team"

foto: Vivi har været rundt med Barak og Dolly på sparksykel (Paw-trekker), "Det er mit team" var hendes tilfredse svar.

Friday, October 12


foto: Gludsted Plantage, Vivi og Benjamin (velo) tilbage efter "børne-ruten". Juno er en stabil leder for Benjamin, der stadig er ret ny i "faget". Vivi med som "følgevogn" på sparksykel med Isa og Maisie.

Wednesday, October 10

Nordic Open 1998

foto: Peter Mårtensson, kennel Vindsnabbe, vinder Nordic Open, MDO, Åsarna 1998.

Saturday, October 6

En våd og varm september

foto: Andreas Nymark og team start Fredag, Nørlund Plantage.

Friday, September 21

SPHKs Avelskonferens 2012

foto: Vindsnabbe's Dacke and Dixie '97, Kennel Vindsnabbe, by Eva and Peter Mårtensson, Högland, Sweden, fall 2005.

SPHKs Avelskonferens "Den arbetande polarhunden", Nörrköping den 10-12 augusti 2012:

Ingvild Espelien Vinterskogens kennel i Norge, Samojeduppfödare. Grundläggande genetik.

Marit Holm, norsk vetrinär som arbetat 5 år för Siriuspatrullen.

Blake Freking, Manitou Crossing kennel (Jedeye), USA. Snabbaste SH-spann på Iditarod. Anatomi, fuktion och avel.

Sally Lech, England. Har haft SH sen 70-talet, kör sprint, har ett 20-tal hundar, exteriördomare. Mentalitet, avel och barmark.

Wednesday, September 12

Besøg i hundegården

foto: Mette' nye klassekammerater var på besøg i mandags, det nød hundene i fulde drag.

Monday, September 3

Saturday, August 4

Nu kan det ikke vare længe...

foto: Fra Dansk Polar Hunde Klubs løb i St. Dyrhaven, Januar '12.

Vince og Seppe lead, Kebne og Bree point, Tanna og Isa team, Wilma og Kaise wheel. Desværre kom temperaturen godt over frysepunktet inden start.

Saturday, July 21


Tillykke Mette - 18 år
foto: Gert og Birthe Kronholm, kennel A'teb, er med til at fejre Mette' 8 års fødselsdag.

Friday, July 6

Ubudne gæster

foto: Mette og Daniel foran heste-indhegningen.

I går torsdag fik vore to små heste (Sille og Mirelle) besøg af 12 store heste og føl. De kom fra en mark der ligger 1 km væk i fugle-flugts linie, men vi tror de løb en omvej, da de var meget tørstige og sultne.

Monday, July 2

2. juli 1988

Tillykke Vivi
To dejlige blomster mellem en masse smukke anemoner, Balle 1996.

Saturday, June 23

Ferie med Joan og Mette

Tillykke Joan
foto: Vivi, Mette, Joan og Dagny biking away, the dogs following to say goodbye, july 1999.

Next stop Truust camp. In the evnings the dogs and I visit them.

The dogs from left: Ilona, Kozak, X-ray, Nikki and Lingo.

Thursday, June 21

Joan og Lingo

foto: Joan og Lingo, Løgten Strand, sommeren 1999.

Sunday, June 10


foto: JoanBosse and X-ray, Gludsted 2002, the pic speak for it self...

Tuesday, June 5


foto: Christianslüst (II), Germany, november 2000. Joan and Vivi have a break,  after well over and done run, all three in Velo-class.

Dogs from left: Kozak, Lingo, Nikki, X-ray and Ilona.