Wellcome to Vargvind

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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Monday, December 24




foto: Mosedalen, 23. december 2012 - Vivi with Vindsnabbe's Juno and Vacke (behind). Weather conditions: temp. was - 1 C, snowing and blast of wind, 20 m/sec.

- I Ønskes
En Rigtig Glædelig Jul
           from All of us

Thursday, December 20

Origin of the domestic dog

foto: 33.000-year-old skull of a domesticated canid from Siberia. Go to Wikipedia: Origin of the domestic dog.

Merry Christmas

foto: 33,000-år gammel hovedskal af civiliseret/huslig hund fra Sibirien. Se Wikipedia: Hundens opprinnelse.

Tillykke til Dansk Kennel Klub...

I dag er en stor dag for, De Danske Polare Racer...

Der er ikke længere tvungen HD fotografering eller tvungen udstillings-premiering; for at bruge sin hund i avl...

Tak til Jørgen Hindse, Formand for Dansk Kennel Klub og eksteriørdommer; klip fra; "Hunden" nr 3 (DKK):

"FORBEDRE - ikke forandre

Om visse racer fristes man til at bruge betegnelsen "udartet" i stedet for "udviklet sig" gennem årene.....

Vi bør som dommere hele tiden være på vagt over for, hvornår vi kommer til at bidrage til en uheldig udvikling."

Tak til Jens Glavind, Direktør for Dansk Kennel Klub; klip fra "Polarhunden", December 2011(DPHK).

"Det er et problem, hvis avlskravene af opdrætterne opleves som for overvældende...Det betyder risiko for en stadig indsnævring af populationen og deraf følgende forøget risiko for indavl...

...DKK ønsker at mennesker, der ikke har lyst til at deltage på en hundeudstilling, ikke per automatik er afskåret fra at bruge deres hund i avl."

Glædelig Jul

Saturday, December 15


foto: Our dogs were visiting a "dog wood" near Grathe Moor.
foto: Daniel showing Debbie and Fanny (behind) his new masterwork, "Snow-Mother" with her son and his dog "Snow-Bree" in the front.
foto: Daniel on a lookout viewpoint over Grathe Moor dressed in snow.

Wednesday, December 12

Good Memorys

Tillykke Benjamin, 11 år
foto: Benjamin and Barak in Velo-class, just before finish, Vrøgum march 2012. There first race and they did a great job both (I was in the other end of the blue line).

foto: Our debut in scooter class, 6.7 km. 10 meter to goal limit. Dolly and Maisie have just passed the dobermann. Time 17.20 min, enough to take first place (best purebred).

foto: Vivi makes her début in Cani-cross "Nordic", Rold Skov december 2005. Her partner was Nikki 1994

Tuesday, December 4

Taste of Winther

foto: Back on the "Dyck". 14 km in Gludsted Plantage. Dogs: from front, Vince - Kaise, Seppe - Barak, Kebne - Maisie, Tanna - Fanny, Dolly - Debbie, Wilma - Buster.

Friday, we are going to Linnet Skov, for the first race this season. 

Monday, December 3


foto: Gludsted, saturday. Dogs: Vince - Maisie, lead, Wilma (hidden) - Buster, team and Kaise and Debbie, wheel.

The wagon is my old racewagon, rebuilded with 2 "mini-cross" wheels, fit with hydraulic brakes, perfekt to train tempo.

Front wheel has also breaks, a useful thing, when you have to go out to the dogs.

Our new "Spark-sykel" (kick bike) is also fit with mini-cross, back-wheel and hydraulic brake.

Saturday, December 1

Experienced Dogs

foto: Andreas Nymark in a 40 degree curve with his 13 dogs, in Nørlund primo november (foto by Roland Jensen).