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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Friday, December 24

Merry Christmas

foto: Nørlund, December: lead, Seppe and Tanna, point, Bree and Kebne, team, Dolly and Isa, Juno and Wilma, wheel, Vince and Kaise.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Go' Jul og Godt Nytår

Wednesday, October 20

kennel Fenrisulven

foto: Fenrisulven Ghost, '95, after Unisak's Jet Bandit out of Fenrisulven Nanek, (owner Bosse o Caroline Hoffman Jönsson).

Kennel Fenrisulven, by Lotta and Peter Antoniusson, Sweden, from 1991.

In 1991 kennel Fenrisulven mated Inakk, a Snowtrail's Zero o Queenie av Veo (Snowtrails Harris - Stina av Veo), with Rookie's Daffy, a Snowtrails Crazy o Snowtrails Melissa. They keept 4 dogs from the litter.

In 97' Lotta drived them in Särnaheden, Dalarna, 50 km, 6 dog class, placed 2 with 9 drivers at all.

The leaders were the kennels new foundation bitc Nanek and her mother Inakk.

Fenrisulven Nanek mated "Jetson" tweis, she also did a god litter with Unisak's Balto Best in '99 and one with Axias Qefir in '98.

Fenrisulven Freja, '95, a sister to Ghost, were new breding bitch on the kennel, she breeded Kvarnmyrens Two Moon and gave Fenrisulven Hild, '03. Hild is litter mattes to Faste and Ask on kennel Nordviken.

Kvarnmyrens Two Moon, '99, after Northomes Rude-E At Axias out of Kvarnmyrens Qattlega (Unisak's Jet Bandit - Axia's Qomelia.

Sunday, October 10

kennel Igloo Pak

foto: Igloo Pak's Snow Bandit, line bred on Igloo Pak's Wing-A. With imported sperma he did 4 good litters in Sweden.

"Det var Leonhard Seppala som introducerede "the Siberian Sled Dog" til "the lower 48", men fra 1930 til 1987, altså over et halvt århundrede, etablerede, Dr. Roland Lombard og hans slædehunde, en rekord af excellente resultater, både i og udenfor sporet, som vil stå alene i sporten fremover."

"Dr. Roland (Doc) Lombard, født den 17. september 1911 i Raymond, USA, udviste en usædvanlig interesse for slædehunde, allerede i sin skoletid. 19 år gammel vandt han sit første løb, Laconia race, med en gevist på 1000 $. De efterfølgende 6 år uddannede han sig til veterinær og blev kort efter gift med Louise."

"I slutningen af Anden Verdenskrig i '45, anskaffede Doc en af sine tidligere ledere, Ch. Helen Of Cold River '42. En veteran fra hærens slæde hunde service. Helen var den første af Doc's væsentlige ledere og hun gik lead til først i 50'erne. Helen havde en berømt søster, Duchess Of Cold River, som også gik lead og blev brugt succesfuld i avlen hos William Belletete (Gap Mountain)."

"Hunde fra Milton og Eva "Short" Seeley, ejere af kennel "Alyeska - Wonalancet - Chinook" lå bag de første hunde på kennel Igloo Pak. Et kuld fra juli '45 ud af Doc' Tchuchis of Wonalancet parret med Ch. Laddy of Wonalancet gav tre fine Igloo Pak hunde, Vixen, Grey Dawn og den fantastiske lederhan, Igloo Pak's Chukchee. Sidst i 40'erne blev Chukchee brugt flere gange i avlen hos Leonhard Seppala og Earl Snodie' kennel Bow Lake i staten Washington."
"I perioden fra sidst i 40'erne til starten af 60'erne blev en vældig opblomstringstid for Siberian racing i New England, konkurrencen var heftig mellem Doc, Charlie Belford, Bill Shearer (Foxstand), William Belletete (Gap Mountain) og Keith Bryar. De kørte alle med Siberian teams og konkurrerede mod hinanden ved hvert løb. Alligevel forblev de gode venner og hunde fra deres indbyrdes avl, skiftede ofte ejere til modstandernes team." *

* Frit oversat fra bogen "The Siberian Husky 3rd Edition", pres. af The International Siberian Husky Club, Inc. second printing november 2000.

Doc købte Foxstand's Piontiac (Foxstand's Lippy x Foxstand's Cleo) født i '51, fra Bill Shearer. Parret med Chogoandoe's Vanya (White Water Lake Knight x Nikki's Ningo of Alyeska) gav han Igloo Pak's Misty. Misty blev parret med Alyeska's Sugrut of Chinook (Alyeska's Kobuk of Chinook x Keo of Alyeska) i '57, hun gav uden tvivl en af Doc' bedste Siberian Husky, Igloo Pak's Tok. Tok var Doc' hurtigste hund hidtil og har givet meget betydningsfuldt afkom og kan ses i de fleste af de bedste løbs-Siberian' stamtavler.

Tok gik i Doc' vinder team i Alaska mange år og til stor forbavselse i '70 (12 år gammel), på Doc' vinder spand til "Fur Rendezvous" i Anchorage. Det er almindeligt kendt at de personer der kendte Igloo Pak's Tok og Alaskan's Nicolai of Anadyr, '58 (Earl og Natalie Norris) betegnede dem som de to bedste Siberian Husky i moderne tid, op til midten af 60erne.

Den ultimative sted at teste slædehunde var Alaska, de årligt tilbagevændende løb afholdtes i Anchorage (Fur Rendezvous) og Fairbanks NAC (North American Championship). 1958 var første gang Doc deltog. Året efter vandt han, det gentog han i 1962, '63 og '64 samt '66 og '67, 6 gange. "The Fur Rondy" vandt han otte gange (1963-'65, '67, '69-71 samt '74).

I denne periode havde Doc flere enestående hunde på sit team. Bl.a. Giblet,'62, fra Robert Ruddell. Giblet var 95 % Seppala og dens mormor's far var den legendariske Timmie of Gatineau, Carles Belford' legendariske leder. Doc parrer Giblet med en datter efter Tok, Midget of Little Alaska, fra Herold Frendt. Derved får Doc endnu en fantastisk avlshan, Igloo Pak's Candy, '65. Året efter bliver Igloo Pak's Toto To (Tok - Misty) parret med Giblet og giver Igloo Pak's Spook, der i '70 giver Igloo Pak's Grey Cloud.

Candy, Giblet, Spook sammen med Tok, løb på Doc' vinder team i 60'erne og 70'erne. Men den mest betydningsfulde på Doc' team i denne periode var Igloo Pak's Wing-A, '65. Wing-A døde i '78, men hans navn er på alle stamtavler af løbs Siberian Huky', fra New England linjen, i dag.

Det er Wing-A der er far til bl.a. fire legendariske Siberian' i Europa, nemlig Arctic Trail's Fang, Vargevass og Amber, Snowtrail, '72, (ud af Arctic Trail's Kola) '72, Igloo Pak's Candy II, Polar Speed, '74 og Igloo Pak's Beaver, Snowtrail, '77, ud af Koonah's Spice, hun er efter Igloo Pak's Candy og ud af Nubi of Calivali, opdrætter: Robert og Nancy Dennison.

Igloo Pak's Wing-A og Alaskan's Nicolai of Anadyr II,'67, er uden tvivl de to Siberian Husky' der har haft størst indflydelse på nutidens løbs Siberian Husky'.

Tuesday, September 14

Kennel Polar Speed

foto: Stekenjokks Sol, '89, after Storm av Seppalaska o Polar Speed Pinko. Pinko, '81, after Polar Speed Konsta out of Wah (Polar Speed), from Peter Mårtensson' arkiv.

Reijo Jääskeläinen (RJ), kennel Polar Speed (PS), Finland, started in 1971 and is stil activ.
In November 1976, in Stockholm, there were a Nordic bred-and standard conference for Siberian Husky people from Scandinavien.

After that meating RJ. and other finnish drivers buyed severel importent dogs from USA. Kennel Mekusak got Arctic Trail's Wing. RJ got an importent female named Arctic Trail's Who of Kelsons, a male named Nugget of Calivali, '75, and his most importent dog, Igloo Pak's Candy II, '74, it was thise dogs RJ based his kennel on.
From Norway RJ got a female named Vassfaret's Misty, after Arctic Trail's Wing out of Selma, breeder Bengt-Ove Kvarme, Hedalen. Misty gave birth to, among others, Speedy, PS Hippu, and PS Konsta after Nugget of Calivali. Misty mated also Igloo Pak's Candy II and gave, among others, PS Wolf and PS Jana.

Polar Speed Wolf sired Willi (se later), this breed gave among others PS Leonhard. Leonhard sired PS Hippu (Misty daughter)(se over) from this litter RJ got among others PS Jessica, 1982.
Another importen female for kennel Polar Speed was Cishka (SF-1977), after Blakken (brother to Selma) out of Tigaran Atsuko (Monadnock). Some of her out come was PS Pyry (kennel Carnivoras, Sweden), PS Tuisku and Viri (PS)
Selma and Blakken, from 1975, is after Trail-Blazer of Kolyma (imported by Karsten Grønås, Kennel Vargevass), out of Vassfaret's Silja, from 1972. Silja after Peik out of Czarina (SF-1971).
Arctic Trail's Who of Kelsons, from 1974, gave birth to Lola (SF-81) after Nugget of Calivali. Lola was mated with Candy and PS Kazan.
Who were also mated with Igloo Pak's Candy II, this combination gave, among others, 4 wery fine dogs. Willi, Wah, Togoto and Sonyboyto is in the pedigrees on most nowadays Polar Speed Siberians.

Thursday, September 2

kennel Unisak

foto: Igloo Pak's Beaver, dob 1977, Beaver did 11 breeds from '80 to '86 in Sweden. Stina Blomquist, Kree Vanka, Finland, behind Beaver. (foto by Britt-Marie Lindkvist)

Jaranga's Darwin and Dewon, '04, a Kvarnmyrens Black Elk o Unisak's Ludmila.

The swedich history of Unisak's Ludmila, breeder Nils o Sickan Hjelm, goes back to Zero's Dargo born 1974.

Snowtrail's Annie have been the most important dog on kennel Unisak. Annie was born in June '81, bred by Ingvar de Forest, he sold Annie after her first litter in 1983 to kennel Unisak, who got her daugther, S. Linda earlier.

The owner of kennel Unisak tells; "Annie's Father was Zero´s Dargo imported to Sweden from USA by Ingvar de Forest. People with good knowledge of the Zero imports to Sweden and Norway, consider that Dargo has been most important to the Siberian Husky breed of all Zero imports. He was running in lead in de Forest´s racing team.

Mother to Snowtrail's Annie was Alaskan´s Mona of Anadyr also imported by Ingvar de Forest. Mona came directly from the Anadyr kennel. She had been running in J. P. Norris open class team. She was after the famus Alaskan's Nicolai of Anadyr II."
Unisak's Steja, '85 was after Snowtrail's Frosty, (Zero's Dargo - Arctic Trail Amber) out of Snowtrail's Annie. Frosty, '79, was for many years lead dog in Ingvar de Forest´s racing team. Nils Hjelm tells; "Frosty' mother: Arctic Trail´s Amber (imported by Ingvar de Forest) was well known in USA for her efforts in Debbie Molburg´s open class team. In Ingvar de Forest´s team she became the lead dog together with Zero´s Dargo until their son Snowtrails Frosty tok over."

In 1994, Steja mated her own son, Unisak's Pirat, '89, after Igloo Pak's Snow Bandit and gave birth to Unisak's Barbara.

Nils Hjelm tells; "Igloo Pak's Snow Bandit, Born August 1980. Lead dog in USA for Jerry LeVasseur. At the first SEPP test in 1982 Snow Bandit was given the highest mark, Superior –Excellent with the comments, "very special" from the examinators. Snow Bandit was not for sale, but an import of frozen semen gave us two litters after him, the first one in 1989 and the other in 1991."

Barbara gave birth to a succesful litter on kennel Unisak, in '96, together with Unisak's Tyson. To of the females, Ajva and Ludmila, gave one suces full litter each.

Unisak's Tyson. Born 1988. Nils Hjelm tells; "Tyson has been our lead dog from 6-dog to open class. He is inbred on Igloo Pak´s Beaver. Beaver had been in Doc Lombard´s racing team before he was bought and imported to Sweden by Ingvar de Forest."

More details under "Other importent dogs":

Monday, August 16

A'Tebs Wick and Winook

foto: Andreas Nymark's team in Daldorff, november '08, with Winook, in lead at drivers left, Wick are the white dog in wheel.

A'Tebs Wick and Winook, '03, after Nay-La Chee's Cool'n Rude Wolf out of A'Tebs Emily (a Micky av Vargevass o A'Tebs Isabella).

At the European Championship on wagon, in november 2007, in Denmark, Wick and Winook were on the team. Andreas partisipaited in 6-dogs class, with his dogs and get the best time of all drivers on wagon in 6 and 8 dogs class, and of course won the 1 price.

In 1993, Anne Lise Braun and Manfred Witzel, kennel Alka-Shan, Germany, visit Denmark, because testing dogs in Tisvilde. At this day A'Tebs Isabella was spoken, as the best dog in harness.

A'Tebs Isabella, '87, after Yokon Khiva (Anadyr) out of A'Tebs Chu-Chu-Ann, gave birth to A'Tebs Emily, in 1995, after Micky av Vargevass (Scotty av Vargevass - Samba av Vargevass), Samba is from the popular combination between Peik (av Vargevass) and Talitta of Kolyma.

An importent bred from Emily, is A'Tebs W-litter, after Nay-La-Chee's Cool'n Rude Wolf, after Northomes Rude-E at Axias out of Nay-La-Chee's Kenoia, the litter is owned and drived by Jørgen Lauersen and Andreas Nymark.

Northomes Rude-E at Axias, born 99, Bred by Al and Ann Stead of Minnesota USA. Owned by Ingrid and Per Agefeldt, Sweden. Rude comes from a litter of 9 were most of them run in lead. According to Al it was one of thier best litters ever. A number of Rudes littermates ran on Norhomes team who finished the North American Open in '03, as the first siberian team for years and years!

Kenoia, '95, called "Noia" after Unisak's Jet Bandit out of Avatac's Brave Ulveline. The owner of Noia tells: "A-team dog who has participated in most races I entered in her lifespan as leaddog...My all time favourite dog because of her very charming temperament, and loving fun personality..."

More details under "Other importent dogs":

Friday, August 6

Vindsnabbe's Gnista

foto: Juno and Bree plaing among other flowers, 2006, in there first summer. In the back ground Cody, Bosse, Vince, X-ray and Seppe.

Vindsnabbe's Gnista, '01, was the dam to Juno, '06. 3 of Juno's sisters, Jade, Jota and Juvel came to kennel Wyugas in Sweden and the fifth sisther, Jenka came to kennel Awanga, also in Sweden. Jenka and Juvel are both fine leaders. All five females are hard working sleed dogs.

Gnista (and her to sisters, Gaija and Gimla) was after Robin out of Vindsnabbe's Tosca, breeder and owner is Peter Mårtensson, Högland. Peter got Robin from Finland in 2000, he was after Rasmus (Ash of Markowo o Goosak Garbo-S).

Goosak's Garbos sire was Quewulf of Sepp-Alta, '86, after Uelen's Beowulf of Sepp-Alta out of Sno-Fire's Nanook of Sepp-Alta. Beowulf, Doug Willet's co-leader from 1977 to '84, he judges Beowulf as his best ever sled dog and No. 1 stud.

Willet says about Garbo's dam "...Sno-Sepp's Elvira of Sepp-Alta, '84, were sired by Uller of Sepp-Alta out of Kodiak's Layla, one of the White Water Lake line Siberians used by Sepp-Alta to insure genetic diversity in its breeding program. Elvira was a key leader for Sepp-Alta in 1986..."

Vindsnabbe's Tosca, '91, was from kennel Vindsnabbe' second litter out of Skyfri. Tosca was after Mimer out of Skyfri av Seppalaska. Mimer, '84, Sweden, after Mindsten av Vargevass out of Frigga av Vargevass-A.

One of Tosca' littermate did also a good litter, it was Frigga, she mated Patriot and gave the kennel severel good dogs, f.ex. Vindsnabbe's Dixie, kennel Arktic Storm.

Monday, July 19

Vargfots Idun

foto: Vargfot's Vacke og Bosse, breeder Bert Carlsson, Sweden, spring 2006.

The mother to Bosse and Vacke was vargfot's Idun, her back ground come from;

Kennel Chamsin, Sweden, from 1985 - '95:

Lena and Yrjö Westas-Havimäki, kennel Chamsin (C.), breeded Snowtrail's Nelly (Al. Cosmo - AT Amber) in 1985 with Kermit av Vargevass and she gave birth to among others Bagheera, a wonderful male the kennel yoused later in bred also kennel Stella Nordica.

In 1987 Nelly were breeded again with Kermit and gave birth to Chanel, she bacame a fundation bitsh on the kennel and in 1990 she gave birth to C. Marie Curie after Snowtrail's Crazy (Dargo-Amber).

In March 2006 I talked with Lena to VM in Åsarna and she said with out doubt, that Chanel was her best dog.

Chanel were mated again in 1993 and gave birth to another importent dog on the kennel, Grizzly Bear, he was after Fozzy Bear av Vargevass.

Marie Curie came to kennel Dra Jämt (DJ.) by Maria Näsvall and there she were mated with Opus (Arctic Sport's Joehill - Tottzi (Teamster's) and gave birth to DJ. Carmen and Bess.

Dra Jämt Carmen gave the last litter on kennel Chamsin, it was among others Chamsin's Carmen Dansar Cha-Cha-Cha, '95, after Finnemarka's Rue-Hoe II (Breder, Christen Rose Andersen).

Chamsin's Carmen came to Bert Karlsson, kennel Vargfot, he mated her with Tuppilak's Trapper (owner, Mats Ericsson) and keept Idun, she were mated with Unisak's Jet Bandit in 2000 and from this litter we got Bosse and Vacke.

Saturday, July 3

Houston av Vargevass

foto, Gitte Alhaug with Birk av Vargevass, owner kennel Vikerkollen, Norway

Birk av Vargevass, dob. 14. november 2000, after Houston av Vargevass and out of Gitana av Vargevass, breeder Karsten Grønås. Houston is our third base dog, we like to use in our bred.

Houston, '93, was described by his owner Karsten Grønås as: "One of our most happy, loyal, tough and beloved members of the kennel. When training the young dogs, Houston was sometimes running loose with the team. On one of those outings he decided to run an extra loop which we usually make with the raceteam and which passes the local sheep farm. When we went out to look for him, he was already on his way home having gone straight passed the sheep.

He was very dedicated and devoted to his task as a leaddog. Houston took the team wherever was needed, be it in vast open spaces without trail or narrow passages. He was so responsive to commands that one could turn the team on a dime. Apart from being loyal and willing he was also very tough. He would break trail even if the snow was waist deep. He kept on going even if it the wind was blowing storm force and blizzards diminished all visibility.

Karsten relayed on Houston in the Femundlöpets from 2000 to 2003 and on a great many other races, often having his team and kennel mate Amigo working alongside with him. Numerous stories are there to tell about this remarkable dog and he leaves us with many wonderful memories. With Houston's passing away, a piece of us and kennel Vargevass went with."

Friday, June 18


foto: Spring 1995, Vivi with our first dog Nikki, ('94- may '06), in her first month at our place.

By reasson of age and tumours we had to say farewell to Kozak. We got him, A'tebs Kozak of Togo, wich is hes real name, as 10 weeks old together with hes fathers brother, A'tebs X-ray of Bojar. Our first dog, Nikki, was the one who teached him.

Friday, June 4

Kennel Kolyma & Green Berets

foto: garden-party. From back left, Dolly, Bree and Juno in front with Shika behind, then Vince, Vacke, Grynna, Seppe and the three in right front, Pavlo, Wilma and finaly Kozak.

Kennel Kolyma, by Els van Lierop & Lau van Leeuwen, Netherlands. First reg. bred ca. 1969

They imported more than 40 siberian huskys direktly from Earl and Natalie Norris' kennel, Alaskan of Anadyr, to severel kennels in Europe. In That time meny kennels in Europe were based on thise dogs

Kennel Kolyma was wery activ in training and running races and Lau wun the Europien Master titel severel times. The kennel, who was activ until 1982, sold also severel dogs to Scandinavia.

Some of there basedogs:

Alaskan's Babiche of Anadyr, '62, male, after Bonzo of Anadyr out of Alaskan's Sigrid of Anadyr, breeder Earl & Natalie Norris. Babiche was line-bred on Chinook's Alladin of Alyeska.

Babiche did 8 litters, 3 with Al. Ginny of Anadyr (litter: A, C and D), B litter with Keelack of Kossa on kennel Green Beret. Hes fourth litter on kennel Kolyma (U-litter) with Al. Sascha of Anadyr

Alaskan Chatka of Anadyr, '66, female, after Al. Meekuk of Anadyr out of Al. Chevelle of Anadyr. Meekuk was line-bred on Alladin and Igloo Pak's Tok. Chevelle after Alaskan's Nicolai of Anadyr and out of Tyndrum's Chanel Five (line-bred on Alladin).

Chatka was bred with Al. Sha-Luk-King in '69 (Z-litter). In 1970, Chatka was breeded with one of the biggest stars on Norris' kennel, Alaskan Astro of Anadyr, after Nicolai out of Bon-Bon (line-bred on Alladin) Vostok of Kolyma came to Norway and is still in siberian husky lines yet.

Green Beret's Snowy Babbet, '70, female, after Al. Babiche of Anadyr out of Keelack of Kossa. Babbet was line-bred on Alladin. Babbet did 4 litters, one litter on kennel Kolyma (Talitta - Trail-Blazer) and 3 on kennel Green Beret

Igloo Pak's Grey Cloud, '70, male, after Igloo Pak's Spook out of Whisper of Little Alaska, breeder, Doc Lombard, owner, H.C.van Lierop. Grey was line-bred on IP Tok. Grey did 6 litters.

Vostok of Kolyma, '70, male, a Al. Astro of Anadyr o Al. Chatka of Anadyr

He did 11 litters: Stanowoi litter with Al. Ilija of Anadyr, '74. Kolyma litter with Al. Bonze of Anadyr, '75. Kolyma litter with Al. Yenka of Anadyr II, '76. Kolyma litter with Oleta of Kolyma, '77. Vargevass litter with Fyjalka of Tomani, '80.

Alaskan Bonze of Anadyr, '71, male, after Al. Nicolai of Anadyr II out of Al. Chevelle of Anadyr, Chevelle after Nicolai and out of Tyndrum's Chanel five (line-bred on Alladin).

Some dogs sold to Scandinavia.

Trail-Blazer of Kolyma, '72, a I P Grey Cloud o Green Beret's Snowy Babbet, did 3 litters in Norway.

Talitta of Kolyma, '72, a I P Grey Cloud o Green Beret's Snowy Babbet, 5 litters on kennel Vargevass, Norway.

Muk-Tuk of Kolyma, '75, a Vostok of Kolyma o Al. Bonze of Anadyr, gave Bella av Vargevass, '77. Severel litters in Norway.

Molinka of Kolyma, '75, a Vostok of Kolyma o Al. Bonze of Anadyr, gave Yokon Kiva (DK).

Kennel Green Berets, by Nancy van Gelderen-Parker, Netherlands. First reg. bred '69.

Some of the basedogs on the kennel:

Al. Ginny of Anadyr, '62, after Al. Nicolai of Anadyr out of Al. Sestra of Anadyr (after Alladin). ( A, C and D litter with Babiche).

Keelack of Kossa, '68, after Chu-Nik's Keelik of Kossa out of Chu-Nik's Erana of Kossa. Line-bred on Bonzo of Anadyr and Al. Nicolai Of Anadyr. (B litter with Babiche). She did 3 litters.

Nancy van Gelderen sold many dogs in Europe, Green Beret's Snowy Angara and Anusjka came to Finland on kennel Kree Vanka, Stina Blomqvist and the kennels Astrea and Sepäjoen.

Green Beret's Snowy Arctic came to Denmark on the legendary kennel Chukchi, by Grethe Westring. Arctic became father to among others, Chukchi Kien, Pika, Ringo and Kazan.

Sunday, May 16

Kennel Snowtrail

foto: Zero's Dargo, owned by Ingvar de Forest, Sweden.

From 1978 - 1980, Ingvar de Forest, kennel Snowtrail, imported 15 Siberians from North America. 14 of them were yoused in bred. The imported dogs and there out-come, did a big influence on nowadays siberians in Sweden.

The owner of kennel Unisak tells; "Annie's Father was Zero´s Dargo imported to Sweden from USA by Ingvar de Forest. People with good knowledge of the Zero imports to Sweden and Norway, consider that Dargo has been most important to the Siberian Husky breed of all Zero imports. He was running in lead in de Forest´s racing team.

Two of the combinations gav very good litters, one after Zero's Dargo out of Arctic Trails Amber in 1979, gav 4 puppies and the 2 litters after Igloo Pak's Beaver out of Alaskan Mona of Anadyr in 1983 and 84, gav 12 puppies. This two combinations were very succes full, 14 of the 16 out-come, were yoused in bred on severel kennels.

Zero's Dargo was born in 1974 on Kennel Zero, Harris Dunlap, USA and was importet to Kennel Snowtrail, by Ingvar De Forest, Sweden, in 1978.

Zero's Dargo did only 5 litters, 4 in Sweden and one in Norway (the litter in Norway have no offspring). But fortunately the 4 litters in Sweden was successful.

In 1979 Dargo breeded Arctic Trails Amber, this litter gav 2 males and 2 females. Frosty on kennel Snowtrail (gav severel litters in Sweden) and Crazy (severel litters in both Sweden and Norway). The 2 females came to Norway and Sandy is stil in the pedigrees on some Siberian Huskys now a days.

Alaskan's Mona of Anadyr got a litter on four females, with Dargo, in 1981. Ingvar keept Tussie and Lisa, who became two fine leaders in his team. Annie became a foundation bitch on Kennel Unisak.

Igloo Pak's Chena gave 6 puppies, with Dargo, in 1983, one male and five females. Molly and Jessie and the male, Zeb, stand on the kennel. Cheyenne was sold to a young driver, Maria Lindkvist. Cheyenne was a supreme and fast dog and Maria' leader for many ears. Nancy was also a leaddog, she run in Benwordh Jonsson' team.

The bred by Dargo with Snowtrails Betsie, a Alaskan's Cosmo of Anadyr o Arctic Trail's Amber, gave five puppies. Spike run in Ingvars team and Bessie in Peter Bourners. Jerry, Pepsie and Misty run in Maria Lindkvist' team.

Most of the offspring from Zero's Dargo, show good leader ship and a strong willing to work.

In 1980 Igloo Pak's Beaver gave one litter out of Igloo Pak's Chena. The litter consist only of two males and Happy is the onlyest who later gave outcome and he stil is in nowadays Siberian Huskys peedigrees. This litter was Beaver' first bred.

Igloo Pak's Beaver was born 1977 on kennel Igloo Pak, owned and driven by Roland A. Lombard, The sire to Beaver was the legendary Igloo Pak's Wing-A. Beaver did 10 more litters in Sweden, in the period from 1983 - 1986. Out over the litter with Chena, Beaver gave 4 more importent litters:

Rumba av Vargevass, after Peik out of Talitta of Kolyma were mated in 1983, on Kennel Ad Libs, by Eije & Marianne Grumer. Choro and Judika were used on kennel Ad Libs. This line is stil in Sweden.

Also in 1983 and the year after, Beaver mated Al. Mona of Anadyr. This bred gave Snowtrails Bandit (1 litter on Kanalaskas) and Melissa, '83 (severel litters on kennel Rookie, Bo-Göran Karlsson) and Dorrit on kennel Unisak (two litters), and Speedy-Chuck, '84 (Kljutjevskajas).

In 1984 Beaver also breeded Snowtrail's Linda, on Kennel Unisak and got Unisak's Bilbo Bagger and Iwa.

Arctic Trail's Amber:
She came from kennel Arctic Trail, owned and driven by Lloyd V. & Winifred Y. Slocum. The sire to Amber was the legendary Igloo Pak's Wing-A. Amber were imported to Sweden at the same time as her brother Arctic Trail's Fang, came to kennel Vargevass, Norway.

Arctic Trail's Amber, from 1972 had only 2 litters in Sweden. The first litter was with Dargo and was a realy good bred. The second litter was with Al. Cosmo of Anadyr, '80. Ingvar keept Betsey, Spooky stayed with Hans and Mona Sjö, Nelly came to Kennel Chamsin.

Alaskan's Mona of Anadyr:
Ingvar was so lucky to buy Alaskan's Mona of Anadyr, born in 1974 on kennel Anadyr, owned and driven by Earl and Natalie Norris, Alaska. She was after the legendary Alaskan's Nicolai Of Anadyr II. Mona gave 4 litters.

Alaskan's Mona of Anadyr had also one litter with Snowtrails Frosty, it was in 1982. Quick-Arrow stayed on Kennel Snowtrail, Sibir went to Kennel Kanalaska and all the 4 males, Fred (Unisak), Andy (Kanalaska), Tom-Arrow (Rookie's), Mike (Heidiburg) and Quick-Arrow (Unisak), were yoused in bred.

**Nu er det 10 år siden brødrene Olsen vandt Det Europæiske Melodigrandprix med Smuk som et stjerneskud**

Saturday, May 1

Den Gamle Norske Stamme

foto: from summer 2008; Vivi with Shika and Pavlo, after Flekken av Vargevass, owner Tore Hunskår, Kennel Thep, Norway.

I 1958 rejser legendariske Leonhard Seppala, manden som gjorde Siberian Huskyen kendt, på besøg i sit gamle hjemland, Norge. Han medbringer en fin hvid Siberian Husky tæve med navnet Molinka of Bow Lake som gave til den kendte forsker og vildmarksforfatter, Helge Ingstad.

Året forinden blev en Siberian Husky han, Pogo, importeret fra Canada, af Gisle Bang, til Norge. Molinka får to kuld med Pogo, og familien Ingstads interesse for Siberian Huskyen begyndte. Kort tid efter Molinkas to kuld, importerer de en han, Bryar's Sepp og en tæve, Bryar's Sindy, fra Keith Bryar.

Sepp blev straks brugt i avlen på bl.a. Molinkas afkom, Taj og Kiwa (forældre un = ikke reg. i NKK). Sindy føder 2 kuld valpe efter Sepp-afkom, Rip og Kodiak.

Flere af de bedste tæver efter Sindy bliver senere bl.a. parret med den import som blev brugt flittigst i Siberian Huskyens første årti i Norden, nemlig Alaskan Tannik Of Anadyr. Her kan bl.a. nævnes Laika som blev tæve til legendariske Peik, stamfader til Kennel Vargevass

Derudover kan nævnes at ovennævnte Siberian Huskys selvfølgelig danner grundlaget for fam. Ingstads Kennel (fra ca 1967 kaldt Kennel Brattalid) og mange andre større og mindre kenneler.

Blandt mange andre vil jeg nævne Laika's søster Tanja som får Sami med Alaskan Siber II of Anadyr. Samis afkom Ay (Helge Wilhelm Svalebjørg, Notodden), efter Chatangas Togo gav en vigtig avlstæve, Nadja (Terje Nielsen, Snarøya) efter Natomah's Ruff'n Reddi, for Kennel Seppalaska, Norway.

Wednesday, April 14

Talitta of Kolyma

Her følger et uddrag fra Nils Hjelms intervju med Karsten Grønås, Kennel Vargevass.

Fra svenske Polarhunden, hösten '83:
"Af tikarna har Talitta of Kolyma betytt mest. Hon importerades från Els och Leu van Leeuwen i Holland 1973. Talitta var en enkel och "crazy" ledarhund som tilsammans med Peik fick tre kullar med totalt femton avkommer, vilka har fått stor betydelse för SH-aveln i Norden.".....

Karsten fortsætter videre:
..."det var mestadels kombinationen Peik x Talitta som gav de verkliga topphundarna. I dag får vi en hög procent bra hundar i de flesta kullarna. En av anledningarna til vårt situation är att vi inte arbetar avlsmässigt med bara en linje, utan vi har hundar ifrån alla de bra SH-linjer som finns. Dette medför en mycket större variation i generna inom vårt material än hos de uppfödere som har valt ut en bestämd linje och bara avlar inom den. Fördelen med det är dels att den större variationen gör det lättare att avla frem specielle önskvärda egenskaper och dels att risken för att låsa sig fast avelsmässigt är minimal......."

Peik 2009 og Peik 2011

Friday, April 2

Kennel Seppalaska

foto: Illi (av Seppalaska), '84, (line-bred on Yeso Pac's el Diablo) kennel Seppalaskas fundation bitch (from Kennel Vindsnabbes arciv).

Kennel Seppalaska, by Øyvind Nordskau(ØN.), Norway, started 1986 (breeded Amarok '80).

Natomah's Ruff'n Reddy, breeder, Art og Judy Allen, was Imported to kennel Vargevass in 1972, 2 of hes offspring was fundation dogs for kennel Seppalaska:

Chignik av Flatagrov, dob: '73, out of Sibers Anakin, who was after Al. Siber II of Anedyr out of Kajsa av Brattalid, breeder, Sidsel Helweg, Sandvika.

Nadja, dob: '78, out of Ay, '74, who was after Chatangas Togo out off Sami, '72. Sami was after "Siber II" out of Tanja, '65 (sister to Karstens Laika), breeder, Terje Nielsen, Snarøya.

Alaskan Siber II of Anadyr was imported to Sweden (nearly the half of the 299 SH who was registrated in 2000 had Siber II back in there pedigress), he was sold to Norway in 1970.

Chatangas Togo was imported til Norway from Sweden, he was born in 1969 and became the most used dog from this litter; after Mike von Nordpol out of Birka von Polaris, breeded by Ernst Schmid, newcommer from Schweis.

In 1980 mated ØN. Tinka Awuna, '77, after Chignik av Flatagrov out of Katinka, breeder, Bjørn Haugbjørg, (Tixsie) Norway, with "Yellow", Yeso Pac's El Diablo, owner, Karsten Grønås, and got among others Amarok.

Amarok mated Misjca, '80, after "Yellow" out of Nadja, '78), breeder Sissel Bogen. out of this litter ØN. got Illi in 1984.

Next year ØN: imported Uelen's Ezra of Sepp-Alta from Bruce Morreow, at the same time Ash of Markovo was imported to kennel Vargevass.

Ezra and Illi got among others, Kita av Seppalaska in '86, who was mated with Ash of Markovo the year after, and got Storm av Seppalaska, Tordenn - (males) and Skyfri av Seppalaska (10.10.'87). She becom the new fundation bitch for kennel Vindsnabbe, by Peter and Eva Mårtensson, Sweden.

Wednesday, March 24

Keep Them Happy

foto: happy dogs on snow just after start in Gludsted. Kebne and Tanna in lead, Isa and Bree point, Shika and Vince, Juno and Seppe team, Kaise and Pavlo in wheel. Tanks again Allan for taking fotos.

Congratulations to all pure-bred entrants in Femundløpet, Polardistans and Amundsen Race. Our Grynna (Team Vacha Star) can be praud at her outcome (4 as dam and 4 as grand) on Anders and Agneta Hörnlunds team on Femund400; nr 41 out off 53 starts (41/53), Polardistans160; 3/17 and AmundsenRace400; 22/36.

Now we are looking forward to the new puppie season.