Ki-Ti-Wan-Ga Kennel:
The sire to Team Vacha Star, "Grynna" was Vox Celesta's Fox-X, his back ground came from kennel Ki-Ti-Wan-Ga, from 1979, by Mats Lundin and Carina Alkvist, Sweden.
In 1981 Bella av Vargevass (after Muk-Tuk of Kolyma) gave birth to (Frosty Trail's) Wittra, she was after Zero's Sparkey (brother to Dargo) bred by Kerstin Larsson , Jokkmokk. Wittra became an importent breeding bitc on kennel Ki-Ti Wan-Ga.
Wittra were mated in 1984 with Happy, after Igloo Pac's Beaver o Igloo Pac's Chena, and gave birth to Ki-Ti-Wan-Ga's Spice also called "Kryddan". A few years later kennel Ki-Ti-Wan-Ga was closed down and Spice came to kennel Kanalaska, by Fam. Ellis, who among other things won Oppna SM 1987, 6-dog-class, with "Kryddan" in lead.
In 1991 Spice came to kennel Fun Run, by Britt Marie Lindkvist, and were mated by Bullit, after Snowtrail's Zero o Tassa av Veo (Sparkey-Laika of Taimyr)(Spice were mated by Snowtrail's Zero on kennel Kanalaska).
Out of this litter came among others Fun Run Jane. She breeded in 1995, Fun Run Marve, after Kermit av Vargevass o Snowtrail's Cheyenne and gave birth to Fun Run Felix.
Fun Run Felix were an offen yoused sire wich among others mated Ørnies Funny, after Finnemarka's Guy o Fun Run Louis (Happy-Snowtrail's Misty '84(Dargo-S.Betsie), and gave birth to Vox Celesta's Fox-X in 1997.