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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Monday, March 23


foto: view out over Siljan from Fäboddraget 30 km on saturday. Dogs: Seppe and Bree in lead, Tanna, point, Isa and Juno, Team and Kaise and Kebne, Wheele.

Fäboddraget is an open race in the area near Koppången, arranged by
Svensk Polarhund Klub.

The race is on 15 and 30 km and have pulka and slede classes. The compatitions start all together at same time in each class.

Unfortunately most of the trail was too soft, so specely Seppe sank too much down in the snow and was of course sore in his legs, therefor I scratch. Even we had a good experience and were only 25 sec. after the farstets alaskan huskie team (2.13.47).

Thursday, March 12


foto: The dogs on a training trip in Gludsted Plantage.
Trying to keep the dogs fit before we are going to Sweden again. The 4 yearlings from 2007, after Ukko av Vargevass are learning very fast. I ges the first training periode is very importent for the puppies.

Sunday, March 1

Puppies '09

foto: Karsten Grønås has just started in the Polardistance 300-'05, Ewok goes in right point position. Leaddogs is Nathan av Vargevas (after Ukko) and Eddie (after Houston av Vargevass)

An interesting dog, who did a great job in team Vargevass, true an importent periode, is Enok "Ewok", 28.10.'99, after Mørkki av Vargevass, bred by Bjørn Roger Olsen, Norway. In the first years he worked as a team-dog in among others:
Femund500-'02, rank 11 out of 25 teams, best purebreed
Polardistance300-'03, open class, 1. place.
Femund500-'04, rank 16. out of 38 teams, best purebreed.
Polardistance300-'04, open class, 1. place.

Hes last to years in the mainteam was in lead or point position.

Femund600-'05, rank 12. out of 44 teams, best purebreed
Polardistance300-'05, open class, 1. place.

and finaly: Finnmarksløpet1000-'06, rank 13. out of 23 teams, in the longest sleeddog-race in Europe.

Karsten tell about Ewok: "We thought Ewok's playfulness wouldn't make him a suitable leader, but we were wrong. He has turned out to be a very steady and serious leader who has lead the team to the finish of both Femundlopet (12th) and Polar Distans (1st) of 2005 and for most of the Finnmarkslöpet 2006."