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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Friday, July 24

Ukko av Vargevass

foto: Kebne, after Ukko av Vargevass.

All the males used as sire in our kennel are based on 3 Vargevass dogs. Ukko av Vargevass,was born 31.maj 1998 and is after Spassky (Vargevass) and out off Tellervo av Vargevass, which is the first off our base-dogs. "Telle" which was her pet-name, is after Kermit av Vargevass and out off Finnemarka's Hippu. We are sure that the most importent breeding bitch at kennel Vargevass is Telle, if yuo have to name one. We used Ukko in 2007.

The litter, out of Grynna, gave 1 male and 3 females. All 4 dogs are concentrated and doing quite well in harnes and the smalest female is also tryed as leaddog. The male is a well built, glad and obedient dog and very focused and go ahead lead dog. He is bi-eyed and 58 cm high and waight around 23 kg.

Ukko was described by his owner Karsten Grønås as: "He was a exeptional good dog in harness, he also made a great leader. He was fast, serious, focused and had a total lack of hunting instinct. He was calm and patient and made a good teacher for the young ones. In the yard, he was allowed to run loose. He was very much on himself and didn't bother much with the others. He was not the leader of the flock, but he was an authority among them."

Thursday, July 16

General breeding experience.

foto: Polar Distans 300, 2005. Karsten and his dogs after 14 km. Lead: Nathan av Vargevass, after Ukko. Eddie, after Houston av Vargevass. Point: Ewok, after Mørkki av Vargevass. Putin av Vargevass, after Alaskan's Ping Ping of Anadyr.

We try to select our breeding dogs by the words of Karsten Grønås, kennel Vargevass.

"I have learnt through the years that patience is very important. And, a good team is made by 3 factors; genes, feeding and training.

I would say in regard to breeding that the best sled dogs usually throw the best offspring, ... In general, I think the dogs one uses in breeding should be of good heritage, thinking of sled dog capacity, type, temperament an health (
se Websiberian).

I have also experienced that it is important to have patience with young dogs. They are all developing differently and some are not really mature before they have reached the age of 3 years." (from a interveiw by, Sylvia Roppelt)

In a more elaborating way Karsten describe: "breed on the absolute best dogs - from litters with high quality average - were 2. and 3. generation existing of top meritated and well proved dogs."

Friday, July 3

Vox Celesta's Fox-X

foto: Grynna with her new puppies after Ewok, '09.

Ki-Ti-Wan-Ga Kennel:

The sire to Team Vacha Star, "Grynna" was Vox Celesta's Fox-X, his back ground came from kennel Ki-Ti-Wan-Ga, from 1979, by Mats Lundin and Carina Alkvist, Sweden.

In 1981 Bella av Vargevass (after Muk-Tuk of Kolyma) gave birth to (Frosty Trail's) Wittra, she was after Zero's Sparkey (brother to Dargo) bred by Kerstin Larsson , Jokkmokk. Wittra became an importent breeding bitc on kennel Ki-Ti Wan-Ga.

Wittra were mated in 1984 with Happy, after Igloo Pac's Beaver o Igloo Pac's Chena, and gave birth to Ki-Ti-Wan-Ga's Spice also called "Kryddan". A few years later kennel Ki-Ti-Wan-Ga was closed down and Spice came to kennel Kanalaska, by Fam. Ellis, who among other things won Oppna SM 1987, 6-dog-class, with "Kryddan" in lead.

In 1991 Spice came to kennel Fun Run, by Britt Marie Lindkvist, and were mated by Bullit, after Snowtrail's Zero o Tassa av Veo (Sparkey-Laika of Taimyr)(Spice were mated by Snowtrail's Zero on kennel Kanalaska).

Out of this litter came among others Fun Run Jane. She breeded in 1995, Fun Run Marve, after Kermit av Vargevass o Snowtrail's Cheyenne and gave birth to Fun Run Felix.

Fun Run Felix were an offen yoused sire wich among others mated Ørnies Funny, after Finnemarka's Guy o Fun Run Louis (Happy-Snowtrail's Misty '84(Dargo-S.Betsie), and gave birth to Vox Celesta's Fox-X in 1997.