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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Saturday, March 17

Vrøgum II

foto: the run is over and peace and stillness arise. The spectators can leave the scene.

Dogs from left on the chain: Bree (from bag), Dolly, Debbie, Juno, Barak, Vince, Kebne (nearest the ponys), Vacke, Seppe, Buster, Fanny, Wilma, Bitten (hidden behind the dark car. Isa, Tanna and Kaise love to sleep in there boxes.

Vrøgum 2013

Friday, March 16

Open class

foto: Open class, Vrøgum, just before goal. Kebne in lead. Seppe in the bag (last 400 m). It was too hot for Seppe and Vince (Vince behind Kebne), the first day (12 km). Sunday they drived 9 km on 28,36 min.

Vrøgum 2013

Thursday, March 15

Spark sykel

foto: Our debut in Scooter class (sparksykel), 6.7 km. 10 meter to goal limit. Dolly and Maisie have just passed the doberman (for second time). Time 17.20 min, enough to take first place (best purebred).

The Scooter-class is rater new in Denmark. There were only 3 purebred participants and 3 mix.

I have always been glad bycikling with dogs, but I like the scooter better, because you stay near the ground and can help the dogs by pendling. It seems more natualy in sted of bycikling, were you can put more speed on.

The Vrøgum race is arranged together with Dansk Samojede Klub, Dansk Trækhunde Klub (mixbreed) and Dansk Polarhunde Klub.

There were 51 adults at start (incl. 2 German participants). It seems to become as popular as the earlyer "Blåbjerg Løbet", with over 60 adults participants severel times (from 1981 to 2004).

Tuesday, March 6


foto: Cani Cross, Vivi just before goal, with Vacke and Juno, 6,7 km 34,36 min. Vrøgum Klitplantage, 3. and 4. marts.

Vacke was 11 years and 10 month old, at his last run.

Vrøgum 2013