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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Tuesday, June 21

Tanta of Alyeska

Leonhard Seppala at the Ottawa Dog Derby in 1930 (Elizabeth Ricker driving the team, Ted Ricker just left of her)
Dogs in the foreground are (left to right) Bijou, Kree Vanka, Bonzo, Tserko.(Photo co urtesy Elsie Chadwick, Siberian Husky Archives)

Tanta of Alyeska, '29, was a keydog for severel kennels in the early days of the Siberian Husky history, Br. Short Seeley, Ow. Lorna Demidoff. Tanta was after Tuck (un) out of Toto.

2. August 1932 Tanta gave birth to 3 foundation bitches of the breed. They were Sitka of Foxstand, Cheeak and Tosca of Alyeska, all three after Duke, '27.

Not much are known about Duke (notes from Short Seeley--easy), he was after Ici out of Wanda (un). Ici (Icy), breed by Mike Cooney, after Thor out of Greek (un).

Sitka of Foxstand, Br: Milton and Eva "Short" Seeley, Ow: William Shearer. Most of Sitka's influence in the breed is trough Foxstand's Saint, '39.

Tosca were Lorna Demidoff, kennel Monadnock's foundation bitch. She did 5 litters. Specially three litters made succes.

Sapsuk of Seppala breeded her in 1937 and got among others Toska and Suggen. Specially Toska of Wonalancet did a good litter in later breed. Also Suggen of Wonalancet was good, hes outcome became importent on kennel Igloo Pak.
Nexst year Belfords Wolf sired her. From this litter Panda (of Monadnock) became importent in later breeds.

In '40, Vanka of Seppala sired her and this litter gave two fin Monadnock Champions, who all got good out come in later breeds. Kolya (Earl & Margaret Nagle, Kabkol). Kira (BISS Tanya of Monadnock).

Tanya got two importent dogs, Chuchi (sire to Dama of Monadnock's dam, Star of Chebacco - Dama, foundation bitch on kennel Calivali) Zima of Monadnock (kennel Little Alaska).

Cheeak was Shorty's (kennel Alyeska) foundation stock. Short Coat. 53 lbs, 21 ins. She were sired succesfully to 3 males:

Twice to Sepp III, Cheenah, '34, Lassie, '35.

Once to Belford's Wolf, Tcheeakio, Neenah, Laddy og Turu, '38.

And once to Ch Wonalancet's Baldy of Alyeska, Kobuck, Ipuk, '41. (Pawvillage.com)

Yaddam and Ava of Husky Haven:

Breeder: Austin Moorcroft, after Charney of Seppala out of Nony of White, Charney, after Bonanza of Seppala out of Dushka of Seppala II (Kreevanka - Tosca)

Two importent dogs on kenel Anadyr was Yaddam and Ava of Husky Haven, December '47, there dam was Nony of White, January '47.

White, after Mitya of Monadnock and out of Queen of Gatineau II.

Mitya, '41, after Vanka of Seppala II out of Panda (of Monadnock).

Queen II, '44, after Sedanka of Gatineau out of Queen of Gatineau, '43, (Foxstand's Saint - Bayou of Foxstand).

Yaddam gave Babbet of Lakota, '54, out of Nabesna of Polaris, an Alladin doughter.

Another importent dog was Carka of Anadyr, '49, out of Dirka.

Ava gave Vixen ('50) and Kyat of Anadyr, '53, after Carka of Anadyr.

Papka of Ananen:

Another importent breed between Saint and Bayou gave Vicka of Gatineau, from '42,, who gave an importent dog on kennel Gatineau, wich became McFauls first importent leaddog.

It was Nicko of Gatineau, after Foxstand's Skivar II, '41, (Foxstand's Shango-N'ya N'ya of Seppala.

Nicko and Starina of Gatineau gave an importent female, Billkoff of Gatineau, owner, Estelle Mitchell.

Billkoff, '49, were sired by T-Serko of Anadyr, and gave a new importent female on kennel Anadyr, Papka of Ananen, '51, after Alladin.

Tuesday, June 14

Chinook's Alladin of Alyeska

foto: Valuiki of Cold River, '42, he was a famus brother to Bugs and one of the foundation dogs of the breed.

12 år gammel startede en lille pige med at køre hundespan, hendes navn var Natalie og hun havde intresseret sig for slædehunde længe før. Men snart efter skulle hun studere og måtte stille musher-drømmen i ro. Efter studietiden arbejdede hun hos Eva "Short" Seeley, kennel Chinook.

Da Anden Verdenskrig sluttede, rejser Natalie fra Lake Placid, New York, op til Anchorage, Alaska. Hun havde ikke mange penge, men med sig har hun en hund fra Short Seeley som skulle få stor betydning for hende senere. Hun var også blevet lovet hjælp fra en ung mand ved navn, Earl, som boede i Anchorage.

Så hvad hændte? Natalie og hendes hunde flyttede ind hos Earl Norris og hans hunde, resten er historie og hvilken historie.

Hunden som fik så stor betydning for dem var Chinook's Alladin of Alyeska, '44. han blev grundstenen til Alaskas mest fremstående Siberian Husky kennel i moderne tid.

I 1947 føder Candia, to valpe efter Alladin, T-Serko -(m) og Dirka of Anadyr (f) som begge får stor betydning for kennelens videre avl.

I perioden mellem 1947 til '53, gik Alladin single lead i samtlige løb som Earl kørte. Efterfølgeren til pladsen som single lead blev en søn efter T-Serko ud af Starina of Gatineau.

Året efter var det en anden vigtig avlstæve som parres med Alladin, Bayou of Foxstand. Hun fødte U-Chee of Anadyr som udover at blive Champion også blev en vigtig avls tæve i kennelens videre succes.

Parringen gentages året efter. Denne gang gav det en meget lovende han (Sik-Puk of Anadyr) som heldigvis når at lave et kuld valpe (1952) inden den omkommer ved et biluheld.

I 1950 parres U-Chee med Alladin, som bl.a. gav Alaskan's Cheechee of Anadyr.

Alladin gjorde endnu en parring i 1950, denne gang med Natasha, efter Yaddam of Husky Haven ud af Dirka of Anadyr, hun fik bl.a. Nabesna of Polaris, breeder Myrlie Fortuny. Nabesna fik senere stor indflydelse på Anadyr kennelens avl.

Yaddam of Husky Haven og hans søster Ava blev også to meget vigtige hunde for Anadyr kennelen.

I 1951 (andet år, hvor Fur Rondy gik over fire dage) kører Earl med Alladin i lead, som han plejede. Resten af teamet er afkom fra Alladin og de satte en rekord på fjerde hittet, 24,3 km/t, som ikke er slået siden.

Alladin sidste indflydelsesrige kuld fødtes i 1954. En tæve efter T-Serko of Anadyr ud af Billkoff of Gatineau, Papka of Ananen, parres med Alladin og gav bl.a. Alaskan's Sestra of Anadyr og Alaskan's Tawny Lad of Anadyr.

Sestra gav to vigtige efterkommere (1962) med den hurtigste hund Norris endnu har haft. Tawny Lad gav Alaskan's Lass of Anadyr, moren til Alaskan's Tannik of Anadyr, han ligger bl.a. bag kennel Vargevass' Peik..

Chinook's Alladin of Alyeska, 1944, var efter Czar of Alyeska ud af Tcheeakio of Alyeska.
Czar, '41, efter Wolfe of Seppala ud af Cheenah of Alyeska, '34, (Sepp III - Cheeak of Alyeska).
Tcheeakio, '38, efter Belford's Wolf (Smoky-Tosca) ud af Cheeak of Alyeska.
Cheeak of Alyeska, '32, var Shorty' vigtige avlstæve. Hun var efter Duke ud af Tanta of Alyeska. Cheeak har to vigtige søskende, Sitka of Foxstand og Tosca of Alyeska, alle tre er fra 2. August 1932.

On Alladins homeside Natalie Norris tells: "Alladin worked as single-lead in the period from 1947 - '53, with out missing a single race."

"Alladin was a nicely proportioned 48 pound male with a foxy head and a coat of correct length and texture. What set this dog apart was his steadiness in harness and the ability to transfer his work ethic to his teammates. When he was in lead the team performed at a higher level..."

"As a pacesetter, Alladin was at his best after the first few miles. He was not the fastest on the team but was the engine once the team settled. He passed on this work ethic to his progeny..."
or anadyr.com/, under latest news.

Sunday, June 5

Candia and Bayou of Foxstand

foto: FOXSTAND'S SHANGO leads the Shearer team on a sunny New England day, year and race venue unknown. The highly successful Foxstand racing team usually consisted of nine or eleven dogs. Shango were brother to Sukey, the dam to Candia.

Beyond the litter with Dushka in '31, Tserko sired 2 females from Kreevanka-Tosca litters.

In '35, Dushka II, gave Surgut of Seppala. Bilka, gave Chuchi of Seppala

In '36, Molinka II, gave Vodka of Seppala and Burka of Seppala II (leaddog for Wheeler).

Two importent females, Candia and Bayou of Foxstand; there background came from most influence dogs who maked the foundation of the racing Siberian Husky, to day.

Candia, 1946, Br: William Shearer, Ow: Earl and Natalie Norris, after Bugs (Cold River) out of Foxstand's Sukey.

Bugs, '42, Br: Marie "Millie" turner, after Burka of Seppala, '34, out of Delzeue of Cold River.

Delzeue, '38, Breeder: Marie Frotingham, after Sapsuk of Seppala out of Chuchi of Seppala (Tserko-Bilka of Seppala).

Sapsuk, '31, after Tserko out of Dushka (Bonzo-Nan).
Foxtand's Sukey, '40, Br: William Shearrer, after Vanka II out of Sigrid III of Foxstand (AKA Belford's Segrid).

Sigrid III of Foxstand, after Chenuk out of Molinka.

Bayou of Foxstands, 1940, Br: Joseph Booth, Ow: Mc Faul, kennel Gatineau, after Surgut of Seppala out of Duchess of Huskyland.

Surgut, '35, was after Tserko out of Dushka of Seppala II. Dushka II, '32, (Kreevanka - Tosca). Surgut was owned by Marie Frotingham.

Duchess of Huskyland,'38, Br: Joseph Booth, after Sapsuk of Seppala out of Rollinsford Nina of Marilyn.

Nina, '31, Br: C H Young, Ow: Marie Frotingham, after Kotlik (Yukon - Riga) out of Nera of Marilyn (Northern Light Kobuck - Tillie. Tillie and Yukon were siblings after Tex and out of Ammorre.

Kobuck was line-breed after the legendary leader Jack Frost.

Tex was Gunner Kaasen's team dog on the Serum run, 1925.