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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Wednesday, June 24


foto: Vindsnabbe's Coyote, 1997, with one of his sleddog frends on kennel Vento Articos.
Cody, which was his pet name, came to our home in the summer off 2005. I had been in contakt with kennel Vindsnabbe, Høgland, Sweden, which had reduced there kennel on that time, but they told us about a kennel in South Sweden, which also used Vindsnabbe dogs. Luckily they had a few dogs left so we could have Cody on our place.

He were kennel (Vento Articos) main leader in middle distance races and were yoused 6 times in bred on the kennel and one bred on kennel Starax, by Irene Ax. The owners tell about him: "Kommandoledare, snabb och stark hund i en liten kropp, Jag har aldrig sett honom trött, vägrar att stanna. En charming, glad, öppen och tilgiven hanne. Har även godkänt karaktärsprov".

On a later trip in Sweden I came around some kennels and saw severel off his fine offspring. A female after Cody, near Stockholm, were mated with another zero-free dog. It was Robin, he was imported from Finland by Eva and Peter Mårtensson, kennel Vindsnabbe. After a short visit by Robin, this female gave among others, Lindane's Aragorn "Argo", owner Andreas Nymark, Denmark.

One litter with Densetsu Noomi and Vindsnabbe's Evita, 2 with Vindsnabbe's Kathy and 3 with Vento Articos Selén.

We yoused Cody as this good leaddog he were. It was great to see how soon the others learned from him. We will never forget you for that, Cody!...

Monday, June 15

Leonhard Seppala

foto: Juno and Bree in there first summer in 2006 - maybe they can see "The Little Man with His Little Dogs" looking down from heaven, with Togo beside him, enjoying his leon heart?
The musher legend from Norway, born 1877!
In the year 2009 it is exactly 100 years since the team of Siberians was to be entered in the 1909 All Alaska Sweepstakes race of 656 km. The Siberian dog, later to be known as the Siberian Husky, importet to Nome, Alaska, the year befor, by the Russian fur trader William Goosak. No one was impressed with Goosak's little dogs, waighing only 20 to 26 kg. http://www.nomekennelclub.com/

Goosak persuaded Louis Thustrup, a Danish sailor, to drive his team. This team, even though the odds were 100 to 1 against it in the betting, made a tremendous showing and nearly won the race, placing third.

The year after, the legendary John "Iron Man" Johnson team of Siberians finished first in the 1910 All Alaska Sweepstakes, the team completed the race in 74 hours, 14 minutes, 37 seconds. This time was never equaled. Hes Siberians were importet by Fox Ramsay, who also partisipated and placing third. In 1914 the "Iron man" won again.

In 1913, Jafet Lindeberg, Leonhard Seppalas employer, acquired what was left of the first Siberian imports and there offspring, around 15 animals in all. They were to be a gift to the explorer Captain Roald Amundsen, who was planning a expedition to the North Pole. Seppala was given the job of the care and training of the dogs in Alaska, and he loved it.

Short after, Amundsen gave up his North Pole trek due the start of World War 1. Seppala continued to train the Siberians and entered the 1915 All Alaska Sweepstakes, which he finished first. He repeted this victory in 1916 and 1917, at which time the United States entery in World War 1 ended the great race series.

In 1925, Seppala and his Siberians came to national prominence, with the famous "Serum Run" that saved the city of Nome from a diphtheria epidemic. Seppala and his Seberians, with his famous lead dog Togo, covered 261 miles in that race against death, with no other team traveling more than 53 miles, with the serum. http://www.shca.org/

In 1930 Seppala handed over his dogs to Harry Wheeler, kennel Seppala.

Thursday, June 4

A'Tebs Isabella

foto: 2004, from left, A'Tebs Kozak of Togo (in front), Bosse (behind), A'Tebs Ilona of Togo, Vacke, A'Tebs X-ray of Bojar and the leader in front, A'Tebs Lingo of Vincent, dob 25 may '98.

Kennel A'Teb, by Birthe and Gert Kronholm, Denmark, started 1982.

Their first Siberian Husky was Ringo, after
Green Beret's Snowy Arctic o Pavla (Alaskan Kaltag of Anadyr - Anli)(Kazan - Chukchi Pika: both after GBS Arctic).

The foundation bitch to the kennel was Kigus Akki (line bred on Allerellie's Candy, '67, imp. from Canada, by Grethe Vestring, Denmark), after Chukchi Kien (after GBS Arctic) o Chukchi Kari (a Al. Kaltag o Icebell, Candy daugther).

They faund Akki by an coincidence and describe her so: "She is the foundation bitch to all our bred. It is with pride, that we to day can sai, that we own Kigus Akki all our success in the sport, because she gave so much importent in her breed. Among other things, she gave a great leader capacity to a lot of her offspring."

Kigus Akki had, among others, litters with Klondike's M'U-Kaltag (Anadyr), in 1980. There she gave birth to another breeding bitch, Alaya. Her sister Allajcha were selected as best dog, by Natalie Norris, Alaska, in 1984. At the same day Alaya got her award as this years best show Husky.

The B-litter was after Zero's Montgomery and gave 2 males, A'Tebs Bojar and Bye-Bye, in 1982.
The C-litter were with Akki's daugther, Alaya, she gave birth to A'Tebs Chu-Chu-Ann, after Ringo, in 1984.

The D-litter gave, among others, A'Tebs Duke, after Donjek Ozelot (Anadyr) o Kigus Akki, in 1984. Duke mated Chu-Chu-Ann and gave the K-litter, in 1988, were from Kira later gave birth to Uniqa of Atim(mother to Lingo of Vincent), after Atim's Lucky Swede (Natomah)

Earlier, Chu-Chu-Ann had given birth to A'Tebs Isabella, after Yokon Khiva (Anadyr), it was in 1987.

Once again there were born a new importent breed-bitch on the kennel. Isabella gave birth to two great dogs, Vincent of Bay-Bay, '92 and Emily, in 1995, after
Micky av Vargevass (Scotty av Vargevass - Samba av Vargevass), Samba is from the popular combination between Peik (av Vargevass) and Talitta of Kolyma.

In 1993, Anne Lise Braun and Manfred Witzel, kennel
Alka-Shan, Germany, visit Denmark, because testing dogs in Tisvilde. On this day Togo of Bojar was the onliest who was selected as Superdog. At the same day Isabella was spoken, as the best dog in harness.

2 of Isabella's most importent offspring was: Vincent of Bye-Bye, a steady and hardworking wheel-dog and father to our Lingo. Emily, who was the mother to the P-litter, after Togo of Bojar and the W-litter (after
Nay-La-Chee's Cool'n Rude Wolf) owned and drived by Jørgen Lauersen and Andreas Nymark.

A'tebs Lingo showed the way