Wellcome to Vargvind

Pleace click on "2009" and go to the bottom, then You can read our "story" from the past...

News - are here on top.......

Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Tuesday, February 21

Future II

Season Greatings
foto: going into the future, pic. by Jess Larsen .

With the 4 yearlings, Barak (male), and Debbie, Bitten and Fanny (females) in good progress, we are looking forward...

This season has not been with so much training as it could, because of bad work and weather conditions...

But I hope we manage to drive a late race on 130 km this season.

Awanga's Narnias Bree is still showing a steady working and a fine doing leaddog, so we considering breeding her after next season.

Season Greatings 2013

Season Greatings 2011

På søndag for 80 år siden, den 26. februar 1932, blev Johnny Cash født i. Kingsland, Arkansas USA. + 12. september 2003.

Sunday, February 12

Nørlund 2

foto: Nørlund, open-class, 12 hunde. Perfekt vejr, minus 10 grader, solskin og lidt sne. Begge dage blev de 10 km kørt med 20 km/h. Der var 9 sek. difference på de to dage.

Saturday, February 11

Velo klasse

foto: Kaise og Maisie in velo-class, placed 4.th out of 8, the 6,5 km were done at 17,26 min, sunday. pic. taken by, Jess Larsen.

Thursday, February 9


foto: Målgang i Nørlund (4. og 5. februar) i åben klasse, dag 2, 10 km: Vince og Seppe i lead, Kebne og Bree i point, Dolly og Debbie (skjult), Fanny og Tanna (skjult), Buster og Isa, Wilma og Bitten i wheel (de sidste 4 er skjult i en lavning), pic taken by: Jess Larsen.