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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Thursday, January 29

Team Vacha Star, "Grynna"

foto: Karsten Grønås, kennel Vargevass, Vintersamlingen 2005, MDO, 1.pl... with Putin av Vargevass and Eddie in lead, Ewok and Nathan av Vargevass (after Ukko) in point.

In May 2008 we partisipaited in Norsk Siberian Husky Klub's Specialutstilling in Finnskogen, with Tanna (1JK,2JKK) and A. Bree (1AK), with 89 com'petitors. In breedclass 4 dogs, (SCH and NCH Koryak, Minto, Yanna, '04 and Tanna, '07) after Ukko av Vargevass out of Team Vacha Star "Grynna" got 1AK, 1OPPDK, HP. Judge, Karsten Grønås.

The future of the kennel are running middledistanc races in Norway and Sweden, with 10 - 14 dogs in training...

Wednesday, January 28


foto: Dogs, from right, Kebne, Seppe, Tanna, Bree, Isa, Grynna, Kaise, Juno, Vacke og Vince, training in the fall 2008, Nørlund.

In 2005 we visit severel kennels in Sweden, by reason of having more dogs. First we got Vindsnabbes Coyote, "Cody", '97, (leaddog), from, Söra Åhlund, kennel Vento Articos, in the summer.

In the fall we visit Eva og Peter Mårtensson, kennel Vindsnabbe. We buyed a litter after Vindsnabbe's Sirocko, '95 out of Vindsnabbes Gnista, '01. From this litter we got Juno, '06.

Another of the puppies (Jenka) came to Bo and Caroline Hoffmann Jönsson, kennel Awangas. They had mated Akira with Vindsnabbe's Blizzard, from Inge Christoffersson, Kvärnsjö. From this litter we got Bree, '05.

Kennel Awanga's got also a litter from Vindsnabbe's Bianca and Barney av Vargevass, from were we got Seppe, '05.

When we visit kennel Vindsnabbe in the fall we got four adult vindsnabbe-dogs with os back:

It was Dacke and Dixie, '97 (Vindsnabbe's Patriot - Vindsnabbe's Frigga) who came to Nina and Frederik Filander, kennel Arktisk Storm. Dixie mated Isslottett's Zeb, the leader on the kennel, in 2006.

Robin, '95, who was the third dog, came to Katarina Lindberg, kennel Lindane, and mated Vento Articos Exy, a Cody daughter. From this litter we got Aragorn, "Argo", '05, he stay by Andreas Nymark, Denmark.

The fourth dog, Vindsnabbe's Bebop, '95 (Vindsnabbe's Zingo - Skyfri av Seppalaska), came to Beat and Domenique Widmar, kennel Wyugas, Drevdagen, and breeded Vindnabbe's Gaija (sister to Gnista) for second time. From this litter we got, "Vince", '05. Bebop was a wery appreciated dog on the kennel, Vindsnabbe's Bianca was hes sister on kennel Awangas.

In 2007 we were so fortunate to buy Team Vacha Star "Grynna", '01, after Vox Celesta's Fox-X out of Vindsnabbe's Mistral, from Anders and Agneta Hörnlund, kennel Vänervind, Sweden. In 2004 they breeded her with Ukko av Vargevass and got 4 good puppies.

We breeded her again with Ukko av Vargevass (may '07) and she got 4 nice puppies which we all keept.

In 2009 we breeded her with Enok "Ewok"

se mere


foto: Dogs, december 2007: Seppe, Vacke, Tanna. Bree, Vince, Isa, Grynna, Juno, Kebne og Kaise, Nørlund.

Den kennel der her i Skandinavien (Europa) har gjort det bedst gennem tiden (first litter 1969 - PEIK, and still going STRONG) er efter min bedste overbevisning
Kennel Vargevass, ved Karsten Grønås, Sweden.

Han er ivrig udstiller af sine hunde til udstillinger, og vægter Siberian Husky standarden højt i kennelens avl.

Derudover har han altid deltaget i konkurrence for at prøve hundene og oftest lagt helt fremme på resultatlisterne.


foto, september 2006: lead; A'Tebs Lingo, Vindsnabbe's Coyote, point; Bree, Juno, team; Seppe, Bosse (Vargfot's Bosse Bandit), wheel; Vince og Vacke.

We are living with 14 Working Siberian Huskies in the kennel now, but we started with 5 dogs and one of the dogs came from the seppala-anadyr line (Lingo), we liked his temper very much, so I dicided to read about the history of the Siberian Husky...

Our dogs now:
Seppe, Awangas C. Weber, ’05, retired leader ('08-'13)
Kebne, ’07, a Ukko av Vargevass, main leader('12-?)
Barak, '10, a Vacke o Wilma, can lead


Juno, Vindsnabbe’s Juno, ’06, team, retired
Tanna, ’07, a Ukko av Vargevass, can lead
Kaise, ’07, a Ukko av Vargevass, leader
Isa, ’07, a Ukko av Vargevass, team

Dolly, '09, a Ewok (av Vargevass), team
Wilma, '09, a Ewok (av Vargevass), leader
Debbie, '10, a Vacke o Wilma, team
Fanny, '10, a Vacke o Wilma, team
Bitten, '10, a Vacke o Wilma, team

Thats Why

foto by Elna: ("De Fem") from left, Lingo, X-ray ('93- september '06), Ilona ('97- december '06) og Kozak ('97-june '10) i Silkeborg, januar 2001 (Nikki in velo-klass).

We live in the middle of Jylland in Denmark, near Silkeborg. In 1998 when we got Lingo (most Seppala and Anadyr), we were moved to a wonderful place on 3 ha and with 4 woods around us to train in.

We was so lucky to have
Lingo (*1998- december '06+) at our place, he had a lovely temper and it's in his spirit we decided to continue with Siberian Husky...

About us

foto: Vivi med Vargfot's Kvicke "Vacke" og Bosse ('00-'08), efter "Jetson", juni 2000.

Vargvind Working Siberian Husky; siden 1995: Vores store fritidsinteresse er Siberian Husky - slædehunde, en interesse der er blevet til en livsstil og som omfatter slædehundesport og opdræt (se websiberian).
kontakt: Vivi og Mads Peder Vilhelmsen, nordulf@os.dk.