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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Wednesday, January 28


foto, september 2006: lead; A'Tebs Lingo, Vindsnabbe's Coyote, point; Bree, Juno, team; Seppe, Bosse (Vargfot's Bosse Bandit), wheel; Vince og Vacke.

We are living with 14 Working Siberian Huskies in the kennel now, but we started with 5 dogs and one of the dogs came from the seppala-anadyr line (Lingo), we liked his temper very much, so I dicided to read about the history of the Siberian Husky...

Our dogs now:
Seppe, Awangas C. Weber, ’05, retired leader ('08-'13)
Kebne, ’07, a Ukko av Vargevass, main leader('12-?)
Barak, '10, a Vacke o Wilma, can lead


Juno, Vindsnabbe’s Juno, ’06, team, retired
Tanna, ’07, a Ukko av Vargevass, can lead
Kaise, ’07, a Ukko av Vargevass, leader
Isa, ’07, a Ukko av Vargevass, team

Dolly, '09, a Ewok (av Vargevass), team
Wilma, '09, a Ewok (av Vargevass), leader
Debbie, '10, a Vacke o Wilma, team
Fanny, '10, a Vacke o Wilma, team
Bitten, '10, a Vacke o Wilma, team