Alaskan's Nicolai of Anadyr born 54 years ago...
foto: Fun Run Felix, Br. and Ow. Britt-Marie Lindkvist, Sweden. Felix have Alaskan's Nicolai of Anadyr 27 times in hes pedigree
Nørlund Plantage, sunday the 28. october.
foto: Dogs from left;Vince, after Vindsnabbe's Bebop
Kebne, after Ukko av Vargevass
Kaise, after Ukko av Vargevass
Seppe, after Barney av Vargevass
Bree, after Vindsnabbe's Blizzard
Maisie (hidden), after Vacke
Fanny, after Vacke
Tanna, after Ukko av Vargevass
Dolly, after Ewok (av Vargevass)
on stake out: Buster, after Vacke
Wilma, after Ewok
Debbie, after Vacke
Barak and Bitten (after Vacke) were out with Andreas Nymark on spark-sykel.
The yearlings are learning behaving in harness.