Wellcome to Vargvind

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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Wednesday, December 12

Good Memorys

Tillykke Benjamin, 11 år
foto: Benjamin and Barak in Velo-class, just before finish, Vrøgum march 2012. There first race and they did a great job both (I was in the other end of the blue line).

foto: Our debut in scooter class, 6.7 km. 10 meter to goal limit. Dolly and Maisie have just passed the dobermann. Time 17.20 min, enough to take first place (best purebred).

foto: Vivi makes her début in Cani-cross "Nordic", Rold Skov december 2005. Her partner was Nikki 1994