Season Greetings to all purebreed teams
foto: Last week-end at Vrøgum Plantage, cani-cross class (6,7 km) on the pall: Vivi (36,48 + 36,14) and Mette (43,52 + 44,49) flanced by there competitions.
Vivi was one of few who got a better time on the second day.
foto: Charlotte Hansen, chairmann, with Daniel (2,2 km: 5,52 + 9,01) on the pall, his compatition did't arrived to the battel.Sunday, Daniel got Dolly' line in the front wheel and fall down to the ground, but he manege to get it all out, while Dolly stod still and afterwards Daniel was in his saddle again.
Both did a really fine job.
foto: The 8 dog class are ready for take off, Vince - Kebne, lead, Tanna - Debbie, Wilma - Fanny, Kaise - Bitten, wheel.
Vrøgum 2012
Tak for besøget, Anders o Agneta, kennel Vänervind, Sverige.