foto: Dogs have taken there place. From left; Kebne, Tanna, Juno, Bree, Seppe, Isa and her mother Grynna...
foto: And a place for me to the night...
foto: Wonderful place and + 1 degree Celsius...
foto: We are nearly alone yet and a few other teams came in the evning...
foto: Now we are almost ready for the run...
foto: Our neighbour, Georg Matsson, kennel Gevonnes, making ready...
foto: The night was only minus 1 or 2 degrees.
foto: Next morning the last competitors arrived...
foto: I choiced to start in the opposite direction than the others, who should show to be a mistake...
foto: It was difficult to se the starter behind all the threes, so I looked on Georg Matsson, but he looked back on me, so we were the last competitors on the start line and when we had to overtake another team on so small tracks it was in the deep snow.
foto: Our new neighbour was Bo and Caroline Jönsson, kennel Awanga's...
See Vargvind-tours