Wellcome to Vargvind

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Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind
Lingo lead together with Vindsnabbe's Coyote "Cody", fall 2006

Thursday, June 5

Sol, Sommer og Natur

foto: Vågen våger over hunde-marken
foto: Aftens-kaffe på terressen
foto: Seppe in bed
foto: og "almindelig" hygge
foto: Fanny, Bitten and Debbie, think: Shall we help?
foto: I think there is some thing eatable!
foto: So working time
foto: and work and work
foto: Did you find some thing?
foto: Barak: Are there some ned for help?
foto: No we did it self!
foto: who would like a mouse?
foto: It is eating time - now!!!